
Flask extension for Invenio-Records-UI.

invenio_records_ui.config.RECORDS_UI_DEFAULT_PERMISSION_FACTORY = None

Configure the default permission factory.

invenio_records_ui.config.RECORDS_UI_ENDPOINTS = {'recid': {'pid_type': 'recid', 'route': '/records/<pid_value>', 'template': 'invenio_records_ui/detail.html'}, 'recid_export': {'pid_type': 'recid', 'view_imp': 'invenio_records_ui.views.export', 'route': '/records/<pid_value>/export/<format>', 'template': 'invenio_records_ui/export.html'}}

Default UI endpoints.

This option can be overwritten to describe the endpoints of the different record types.

Each element on the dictionary represent a independent endpoint.

The structure of the dictionary is as follows:

def my_view(pid, record, template=None):
    return render_template(template, pid=pid, record=record)

def my_permission_factory(record, *args, **kwargs):
    def can(self):
        rec = Record.get_record(
        return rec.get('access', '') == 'open'
    return type('MyPermissionChecker', (), {'can': can})()

    "<endpoint-name>": {
        "pid_type": "<record-pid-type>",
        "route": "/records/<pid_value>",
        "template": "invenio_records_ui/detail.html",
        "permission_factory_imp": "my_permission_factory",
        "view_imp": my_view,
        "record_class": "invenio_records.api:Record",
        "methods": ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"],
  • pid_type – Persistent identifier type for endpoint. Required.
  • route – URL route (must include <pid_value> pattern). Required.
  • template – Template to render. (Default: invenio_records_ui/detail.html)
  • permission_factory_imp – Import path to factory that creates a permission object for a given record. If the value is None, then no access control is done. (Default: None)
  • view_imp – Import path to view function. (Default: None)
  • record_class – Import path of record class. (Default: invenio_records.api:Record)
  • methods – List of methods supported. (Default: ['GET'])
invenio_records_ui.config.RECORDS_UI_EXPORT_FORMATS = {}

Defaut record serialization views.

The structure of the dictionary is as follows:

    {"<pid-type>": {
        "<format-slug>": {
            "title": "<export format title>",
            "serializer": "<object or import path to record serializer>",
            "order": 1,
invenio_records_ui.config.RECORDS_UI_LOGIN_ENDPOINT = 'security.login'

Endpoint where redirect the user if login is required.

invenio_records_ui.config.RECORDS_UI_TOMBSTONE_TEMPLATE = 'invenio_records_ui/tombstone.html'

Configure the tombstone template.